자작나무 American yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis)
Other names: noneDistribution
Eastern USA, principally Northern and Lake States.특성 General description
자작나무는 백색의 변재와 옅은 붉은 갈색의 심재로 이루어져 있다. 목재의 결은 매우 곧으며, 재질또한 균일하다.
Yellow birch has a white sapwood and light reddish brown heartwood. The wood is generally straight grained with a fine uniform texture.
작업 성능 Working properties
작업성이 뛰어나며, 접착력도 우수하다. 스테인과 광택을 내기도 쉽다. 못이나 스크류로 작업을 할때에는 미리 보링을 하고 작업하는 것이 좋다. 건조은 늦으며 하자발생도 적다, 수축팽창이 어느정도 있으며, 성능의 변화가 어느 정도 있다.
The wood works fairly easily, glues well with care, takes stain and polish extremely well, and nails and screws satisfactorily where pre-boring is advised. It dries rather slowly with little degrade, but it has moderately high shrinkage, so is susceptible to movement in performance.
Physical properties
The wood of yellow birch is heavy, hard and strong. It has very good wood bending properties, with good crushing strength and shock resistance.Specific Gravity: 0.62 (12% M.C.)
Average Weight: 689 kg/m3 (12% M.C.)
Average Volumetric Shrinkage: 13.4% (Green to 6% M.C.)
Modulus of Elasticity: 13,859 MPa
Hardness: 5604 N
Non-resistant to heartwood decay. Liable to attack by common furniture beetle. Moderately resistant to preservative treatment but sapwood is permeable.Availability
USA: Reasonable availability, but more limited if selected for colour, ie red birch (heartwood) or white birch (sapwood).Export: Limited due to low demand, but increasing.
Main uses
Furniture, internal joinery and panelling, doors, flooring, kitchen cabinets, turning and toys사업자 정보 표시
우드케어 | 안영옥 | 경기도 용인시 양지면 제일리 443-1 | 사업자 등록번호 : 206-16-86586 | TEL : 031-323-2285 | 통신판매신고번호 : 2013-용인처인-0050호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기
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