목재, 건축자재

이태리합판의 장점

나무꾼69 2013. 10. 2. 19:00

이태리합판의 장점

뛰어난 탄력 및 강도와 더불어 환경을 생각하는 이태리합판

일반적인 포플러를 개량하여 식재하는 클론 I-214같은 포플러를 식재하여 가꾼 숲에서 나온 재료를 가지고 만들며, 합판재조용 재료로써 아주 좋은 성능을 가지고 있습니다.

최신기술이 접합된 제품일 뿐만아리라, 지속가능한 산림자원으로 부터의 생산품이라는 점까지 이태리합판의 장점은 너무나 많습니다.

순백에 가까은 재색과 더불어, 연하면서도 아름다운 나뭇결과 균일한 표면으로 사용자들에게 최대한의 만족을 드립니다.


Plywood Poplar, especially the selections developed by Italian researchers for industrial uses, for example, clone I-214, is characterized by exceptional advantages. Sometimes underestimated as a superior essence, in the last decades poplar has acquired a stronger image thanks to its extraordinary capacity to be processed as a quality veneer.

Not only in synergy with its own criss-crossed fibres, as in the case of plywood, but also in synergy with other materials or thicknesses.

Panguaneta multilayers are modern compounds that can be installed to meet specific industrial standards. Therefore, unlike other timbers, poplar is going to become a future-proof hi-tech material,   because it satisfies users aiming at innovation under the sign of environmental sustainability. And this is a decisive factor.

Safe, ecological, with pure and homogeneous fibres, fine, flexible, light, strong, efficient and inexpensive, easy to clean…who could ask for more from a Panguaneta tree!


White pulp, highly uniform surfaces with very light grains, perfect homogeneity… thanks to these aesthetic characteristics Panguaneta poplar is having a run of successes in the most varied application fields, from interior design to car and caravan components, sports, toys and buildings.

The evident beauty, together with the interesting product peculiarities and innovations, allows customers to immediately acknowledge the advantages of the use of Panguaneta multilayers.  Panguaneta poplar is already a success also in sectors until now dominated by timbers with quite higher density and weight, offering much more than a valid alternative.

A significant advantage is represented by its environmental and forest sustainability: in this field, poplar has no rivals. But a second and even more decisive advantage is given by the results achieved in mechanical modules: elasticity, pull-out strength, bending strength, compressive strength, shear resistance. In short: modern Panguaneta multilayers can compete also for structural uses with full rights.

While other traditional tree species and veneers have already shown their value and limits, the innovative Panguaneta multilayer takes up the challenge in any application field:  put it to the test

원본 그림의 이름: DSC00897.jpg
원본 그림의 크기: 가로 1024pixel, 세로 768pixel

원본 그림의 이름: DSC00898.jpg
원본 그림의 크기: 가로 1024pixel, 세로 768pixel

원본 그림의 이름: IMG_9379.JPG
원본 그림의 크기: 가로 3264pixel, 세로 2448pixel
사진 찍은 날짜: 2013년 07월 03일 오후 5:37

원본 그림의 이름: 다운로드.jpg
원본 그림의 크기: 가로 800pixel, 세로 600pixel

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