이태리합판 품질 기준
| Class I (formerly Class AB under UNI 6471)
외관이 가장 좋으며, 마감재로 어떤 용도로도 사용가능한 등급, 약간의 핀홀 및 생옹이등은 허용된다.
The surface can remain visible, ideal for any type of finish (plating, transparent varnishing, satin finish, etc.) Only a few pin knots or sound and adherent ones without cracking are allowed. Very light colourings, stuccoes or repairs, well done and with a colour consistent with the rest of the surface, are allowed too. |
| Class II (formerly Class B under UNI 6471)
자연스러운 분위기를 연출할 수 있는 표면, 약간의 변이가 있으며, 살아있는 옹이도 조금 있다. 유색도장을 할 때 가장 적합한 등급이다.
“Natural” surface, with chromatic changes and sound knots, suitable for coatings with rolled section, pigmented varnishes or lacquer. Adherent sound knots are allowed up to a 35 mm diameter, as well as small deciduous knots or cracking. Moreover, low contrast colourings, occasional adhesive stains, well done repairs and stuccoes are allowed too. |
| Class III (formerly Class BB under UNI 6471)
보이지 않는 면에 사용할 수 있는 표면 등급.
“Open” surface, stuccoed upon request, suitable for non visible uses. Adherent sound knots are allowed up to a 50 mm diameter; as well as deciduous knots, cracking, bark inclusions and overlapped parts. Colourings are allowed, provided that they are sound, as well as adhesive stains, repairs and stuccoes of any extent. |
| Class IV (formerly Class C under UNI 6471)
포장용재등의 용도로 사용될 수 있는 합판 등급, 모든 자연적인 목재의 특성을 가지고 있다. 하지만 구조적이나 기능적으로는 전혀 문제가 없다.
Plywood surface for packaging or similar use. All natural wood characteristics and the different processing defects are allowed, provided that their extent does not affect the plywood functionality (for example, fungal attacks and inclusions of ferrous bodies are not allowed) |
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